Virtual HR


If you are a startup, an SME, or an individual looking to have a complete HR department without hiring a full-time HR manager, the virtual HR solution acts as a full HR department for your organization.

With a Virtual HR solution, you can manage your complete hiring needs along with coordination with the pool of candidates reaching for applying to your organization. Our team coordinates with applicants, filter the right candidates and create and conducts evaluations and tests with the candidates. Once the candidates are selected we manage the complete candidates on-boarding procedure of the candidates.

Virtual HR features

Our virtual HR solution, manages communication with the employees, helps the management conduct performance evaluations and manage the complete record of the candidates.

Success Story

We managed the HR department of Jin technologies for more than 2 years. During this time we reached more than 20,000 candidates in software engineering and tech support and evaluated more than 2,000 candidates and were able to fill the vacant seats in Jin technologies with the best suitable candidates.

Executive Search and Headhunting


We consistently speak, evaluate a large pool of candidates and build a pool of candidates that are best in their field.

Every year our team meets thousands of candidates from university students to the candidates at the top positions. We work with them on helping find them their next job, a better career opportunity, or help in their current work through career counseling.

For candidates in certain disciplines, such as tech, we do detailed technical tests and evaluations. For other roles, we conduct behavioral evaluations.


Whenever you need to conduct headhunting then we go through our existing talent pool and conduct detailed evaluations as per your choice. If we don’t have candidates in our existing talent pool then we use user base, our social channels to reach the right candidates. We have done executive searches and headhuntings in large numbers for local and international customers.

Success Story

Microsoft Copenhagen Center: For 40 open positions in software engineering roles in Microsoft, we created a shortlist of 400 engineering resources.

HR Support – Shortlisting


We help companies shortlist the right candidates from the pool of candidates available with them or the candidate’s pool received on BrightSpyre.

Shortlisting Services

Candidates  Search

Hiring Process Icon

We search and filter the right candidates from the pool of candidates received online, through email or through paper based resumes.

Additional Evaluation

Magnifying Glass over Page with Bullet Points

If required our team runs additional evaluations with the applicants to judge the right candidates.

Technical      Hiring

Pencil over a Question Paper

In technical hires, our team prepares and conducts technical tests to make sure you get the right shortlisted candidates.

Payroll management or third party hiring


We help companies manage their payroll through us – where companies don’t have a legal presence in Pakistan.

Our Services

Onboarding the

Human Helping Other Human to Get on Platform

Manage tax, social security and other registrations

Document with Tax Heading Illustration

Payroll and benefits processing

Palm Up with Cheque on Top Illustration

Technical Hiring Support


In technical hiring services, we work with companies and HR departments to understand the technical hirings and their evaluation criteria.

Technical Hiring features

Hiring From Universities

University Entrance Illustration

Our team partners’ with universities and conduct information sessions with the students and recent graduates.

Correct Evaluation

Illustrative Checklist Document

Engages experts in preparing the right evaluations mechanism.

Background Check

Document with Cross & Tick and a Stop Watch

Conduct technical and aptitude tests to find right candidates.

Technical Tests

Illustrative Tick Mark

Run necessary-background checks

Evaluation Report

Illustrative Document with Bar Graph and Pie Chart

A detailed evaluation report for each position.

Diversity and inclusion


We work with a diverse number of organizations to reach a diverse audience for the open positions. We conduct regular events with diverse community members on career counseling, career opportunities. This helps us reach those candidates and make those applicants apply to your open positions.

Database Search


Database search provides your HR team to get access to a large talent pool of candidates from all industries and functional areas. Your team can search and connect with the right candidates. This option suits you best if you are hiring continuously and hiring in bulk.